The formation of our children is first and foremost the responsibility of the parents, and is something that needs to be modeled in our homes. Thankfully, however, the Church has made it possible for parents to work alongside the greater Catholic community in helping shape the Church’s youngest members.
The pastor is an integral member of the school community, with a specific role in overseeing the religious education curriculum and leading the liturgical life. In addition he supports the formation of teachers in their role as Catholic educators.
Through its school, the parish cooperates with parents to support them in their role as the primary educators of their children, especially in the transmission of the faith, and through the school, parents and children are linked to the wider community of the parish. Parents should be involved in the life of the school through participati
Through its school, the parish cooperates with parents to support them in their role as the primary educators of their children, especially in the transmission of the faith, and through the school, parents and children are linked to the wider community of the parish. Parents should be involved in the life of the school through participation in councils and committees, as well as regular collaboration with the staff.
The philosophy of our Catholic school expresses the teaching and practice of the Roman Catholic Church and must be supported by all members of the community. Partners (home, school, parish) in Catholic education must work together to provide an environment where faith and learning go hand in hand leading the young people to be the best they can be.
St. Patrick’s Elementary is a Catholic Independent School of the Vancouver Archdiocese. An elementary school, established by St. Patrick’s Parish, it follows the policies and procedures recommended by the Catholic Independent School Board.
The Parish Education Committee is composed of five elected and two appointed members. The Education Committee assists the Pastor in carrying out the responsibilities laid out in the Policy and Structure for the administration of schools within the Society.
The team of membership for all elected and appointed members is two years, renewable thrice consecutively, for a total of eight consecutive years.
Elections of members to fill vacancies is set yearly for the last weekend of May.
Chair: Ms. Natalia Richards
Vice Chair : Mr. Felix Li
Treasurer: Mrs. Aileen Ocampo
Fundraising: Mrs. Anna Shane
Secretary: Mrs. Dee de los Santos
Parish Participation: Mr. Carlo Zalamea
School Participation: Mr. Felix Li
Yard Duty: Ms. Natalia Richards
Maintenance: Ms. Natalia Richards
We love our parent community, so feel free to meet with us after school.
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